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The Eastern Region is proud to be recognized as the Region of Culture for 2024. This initiative aims to showcase the region’s unique cultural heritage through a yearlong program of community outreach programs, events, and activities in collaboration with local councils, organizations, artists, and stakeholders. The extensive program throughout the year will provide numerous opportunities to actively engage with and appreciate the arts, local culture, and heritage, both in person and virtually. Join us as we prepare for a yearlong celebration of our rich cultural heritage.


Embark on a cultural journey with our upcoming events. This curated lineup of activities truly highlights the Eastern Region’s identity. Be part of the 2024 Region of Culture celebrations and join us at the upcoming events featured below.

Upcoming Events

Pasturi u Presepji Tradizzjonali Maltin

Join us and learn how to create traditional Maltese Cribs and Nativity Figures.
These workshops will be held from the 2nd of October till the 23rd of November at St Paul’s Church in Birkirkara.

Capoeira Workshop

Join us and learn how to create traditional Maltese Cribs and Nativity Figures.
These workshops will be held from the 2nd of October till the 23rd of November at St Paul’s Church in Birkirkara.

Past Events

Xenografija Workshops 10th March (Children)

On Sunday 10th March, a Set Design Workshop for Kids was hosted at MSpace, Msida. Young minds collaborated and brought stories to life on stage through brainstorming ideas and designing fantastic worlds.

Xenografija – Set Painting Workshop

This hands-on workshop was organised for skilled individuals experienced in painting (artistic scenery/painting on different materials) who were interested in developing their skills further, particularly those who wanted to learn more about the art of set painting in performing arts productions.


Il-Qarcilla is a Maltese theatrical tradition that is used as social and political satire during the Carnival. The author Alex Vella Gregory together with the director Joseph Galea and the whole cast are created a new production for Qarcilla 2024, where we discovered the marriage story between Korradino, a known criminal, and Rużannina. The event was held on February 12th.

Grand Grooves

Grand Grooves, an activity for grandparents and grandchildren!

Join us on Sunday, February 18, 2024, in Iklin at 11am for an engaging session focused on movement and music to foster bonding, connection, play, physical activity and fun.

A perfect way to create cherished memories that both grandparents and their grandchildren can look back on with joy.

Workshop tal-Platti tas-Smid (Semolina Plates Workshop)

On Monday, 25th March a special workshop on handcrafted semolina plates was held in connection with Holy Week. The session was led by Mr. Pawlu Muscat.

Għaqda u Arazzi (Collective Tapestry)

On Sunday 17th March, a tapestry session was held for Għaqda u Arazzi (Collective Tapestry) at Ġnien l-Istazzjon, Birkirkara.

Programm tal-Ġimgħa Mqaddsa

L-attivitajiet li saru matul il-Ġimgħa Mqaddsa fil-lokalitajiet tar-reġjun tagħna! Sabiex jitnaqqas l-iskart u jigi salvagwardjat l-ambjent, id-dettalji kollha ġew inklużi fil-PDF tal-kalendarju tal-Ġimgħa Mqaddsa tagħna mehmuż hawn. 


On the 21st of April, an interactive percussion workshop “Batucada” was hosted, diving into the rhythm of Brazil with Michael De Camargo. This energetic workshop was held at BMX Warehouse Pembroke, where we learned traditional Samba Enredo beats and arrangements.

Transient Variations

Transient Variations, an immersive installation project by Patrick Mifsud was organised from April 29th to May 3rd. This project, redefining perception of space and art, included the unveiling of a new masterpiece daily in diverse locations by Patrick himself.

Memorial Benches: Faces of Resilience

On Monday May 20th at 18:00 the Eastern Regional Council officially launched the ‘Memorial Benches – Faces of Resilience’ project at the Sliema Promenade (by Independence Gardens). This project formed part of our calendar of events for the ‘Region of Culture’ title and was led by the Artistic Director Mr. James Micallef Grimaud. The aim of this project was to honour the lives of women lost to violence in Malta’s recent history and raise awareness. This project will also serve as a build up to the Sliema Arts Festival.

Bocci Tournament

A fun morning on the traditional game of Boċċi was held on Sunday 19th May at Msida Boċċi Club, with an engaging tournament and an educational session about Boċċi.

Dance beyond borders

Dance Beyond Borders, a foundation dedicated to promoting diversity, inclusion, and conflict resolution through activism for marginalised groups, including children, youth, asylum seekers, and older adults.

Tango Milongita

Three nights of dance experiencing the passion of Argentine Tango, ‘Tango Milongita’ took place on the 8th, 15th, and 22nd of May. The sessions were led by international tutors in collaboration with Teatru Salesjan.

Swieqi World Fair

The Swieqi World Fair – ‘Together in Diversity’ was held at the Swieqi Civic Centre on May 24th. A special international fair involving several nations and the local community, exploring cultures from around the globe with traditional Maltese games, vibrant performances, and special guest KANTERA.

Expo 2024

On Thursday, 16th May, we were at the Expo24, at the MFCC in Ta’ Qali

Festa Fjuri

Għal Festa Fjuri konna preżenti flimkien ma’ Merill Rural Network, Antoine Tan-Newl u Bniet Bizzilla.

Kids’ Art, Dad at Heart

The event invited everyone to contribute to an artwork by leaving messages and drawings dedicated to fathers. Whether it was a heartfelt note, a beautiful drawing, or a simple doodle, contributions helped create a vibrant tapestry of love and appreciation.

lVANt X Villabianca Outreach Event

On July 21st, we organised an event with Villabianca to bring culture and children together at the European Council Garden, Gżira.


Throughout July we brought artists and the community together through this project!

The Eastern Region of Culture’s performers van toured the island during July, entertaining everyone in its path!

Dance and Movement Therapy Session

On the 14th of August, we hosted a Dance and Movement therapy session for all the patients at Karin Grech Rehabilitation Centre in Pietà with live music playing throughout the event.

Tour of the Eastern Region

Join us for an immersive historical experience, featuring a blend of land and sea activities that bring history to life!

Event Gallery

Artistic Collaborators

Ryan Galea

Through freelance work and collaborations with prestigious production houses, Ryan has built a rich portfolio in media production. His passion for storytelling shines in filmmaking, where his visual arts background adds depth to his creations. Alongside his performing talents, Ryan is a skilled visual artist, proficient in drawing and painting, with a knack for abstract compositions.

Patrick Mifsud

Patrick Mifsud is a Maltese artist based in London, UK, known for his site-specific installations and sculptures. His work explores minimal forms and materials, aiming to redefine architectural space and engage viewers' spatial awareness. Mifsud's drawings and paintings also reflect his exploration of space through simple compositions and geometric elements. He holds a BA (Hons) in Fine Art from the University for the Creative Arts, Canterbury, and an MA in Fine Art from Wimbledon College of Art, London.

Robert Spiteri

Robert is a professional drummer and drum tutor from Malta, immersed in the local music scene for two decades. Drumming for Clockwork Wolf & Co, Big Band Brothers, and Tribali, Robert graces stages both locally and internationally. As a drum tutor at 'The Box - a creative arts space,' he mentors aspiring musicians. His versatile beat extends to recording sessions, collaborations with the Malta Philharmonic Orchestra, and impactful contributions to local musical productions.

James Micallef Grimaud AKA Twitch

James Micallef Grimaud, also known as Twitch, is an award-winning artist recognized for his pioneering graffiti and large-scale murals in Malta. Starting his journey in the mid-nineties, Twitch earned the title of the pioneer of street art in Malta, utilizing walls and public spaces to express his creativity when canvases were beyond his reach.

Paul Muscat

The Good Friday exhibit began in 1984 with rice plates, later experimenting with salt in 1991. In 1994, he displayed salt plates in St. Helen's Parish Centre. In 2003, he created large squares, including the dome of St. Helen's Basilica and the largest semolina square featuring the last supper. In 2010, a memorable exhibit was held at San Anton Palace, featuring Caravaggio's famous painting of the Beheading of St. John.

Michael De Camargo

Michael is a seasoned Brazilian musician skilled in percussion, singing, and cavaquinho. With extensive experience in top bands in Rome and Madrid, he has been a pivotal figure in Malta's Brazilian music scene since 2015. Leading workshops and performances, including the renowned Samba Enredo "Batucada" ensemble, Michael brings energy and expertise to enrich participants' musical journeys. Join us for an immersive workshop experience led by this dynamic musician.

Pam Abela

Pam Abela, a curator for therapeutic spaces, combines her art and nursing expertise to enhance therapeutic environments. She uses workshops, site-specific art, and performances to create research-based interventions, integrating curating and nursing into a cohesive practice. Pam's Deep Shelter Project won Best Project in the Community at the Malta Arts Awards in 2019.

Dance Beyond Borders

Dance Beyond Borders, founded by dancers Julienne Schembri and Deborah Falzon, unites people through dance and the arts. Since January 2020, they have used dance as a medium for activism and change. Through performances and community projects, they foster empathy and understanding, collaborating with diverse communities, especially during Refugee Week Malta.

Stejjer mir-Reġjun

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Opening Hours

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday 07:00 to 15:15

